基本上每个人或多或少都了解虚拟内存的空间分布(如下图所示),那如何验证它呢? 别急,我们接下来会讲到。
virtual memory 图片来自Holberton
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
* main - print locations of various elements
* Return: EXIT_FAILURE if something failed. Otherwise EXIT_SUCCESS
int main(void)
int a;
void *p;
printf("Address of a: %p\n", (void *)&a);
p = malloc(98);
if (p == NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "Can't malloc\n");
return (EXIT_FAILURE);
printf("Allocated space in the heap: %p\n", p);
return (EXIT_SUCCESS);
编译运行:gcc -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -Werror main.c -o test; ./test
Address of a: 0x7ffedde9c7fc
Allocated space in the heap: 0x55ca5b360670
virtual memory stack heap 图片来自Holberton
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
* main - print locations of various elements
* Return: EXIT_FAILURE if something failed. Otherwise EXIT_SUCCESS
int main(void)
int a;
void *p;
printf("Address of a: %p\n", (void *)&a);
p = malloc(98);
if (p == NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "Can't malloc\n");
return (EXIT_FAILURE);
printf("Allocated space in the heap: %p\n", p);
printf("Address of function main: %p\n", (void *)main);
return (EXIT_SUCCESS);
编译运行:gcc main.c -o test; ./test
Address of a: 0x7ffed846de2c
Allocated space in the heap: 0x561b9ee8c670
Address of function main: 0x561b9deb378a
由于main(0x561b9deb378a)< heap(0x561b9ee8c670) < (0x7ffed846de2c),可以画出分布图如下:
virtual memory stack heap executable 图片来自Holberton
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
* main - print locations of various elements
* Return: EXIT_FAILURE if something failed. Otherwise EXIT_SUCCESS
int main(int ac, char **av, char **env)
int a;
void *p;
int i;
printf("Address of a: %p\n", (void *)&a);
p = malloc(98);
if (p == NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "Can't malloc\n");
return (EXIT_FAILURE);
printf("Allocated space in the heap: %p\n", p);
printf("Address of function main: %p\n", (void *)main);
printf("First bytes of the main function:\n\t");
for (i = 0; i < 15; i++)
printf("%02x ", ((unsigned char *)main)[i]);
printf("Address of the array of arguments: %p\n", (void *)av);
printf("Addresses of the arguments:\n\t");
for (i = 0; i < ac; i++)
printf("[%s]:%p ", av[i], av[i]);
printf("Address of the array of environment variables: %p\n", (void *)env);
printf("Address of the first environment variable: %p\n", (void *)(env[0]));
return (EXIT_SUCCESS);
编译运行:gcc main.c -o test; ./test nihao hello
Address of a: 0x7ffcc154a748
Allocated space in the heap: 0x559bd1bee670
Address of function main: 0x559bd09807ca
First bytes of the main function:
55 48 89 e5 48 83 ec 40 89 7d dc 48 89 75 d0
Address of the array of arguments: 0x7ffcc154a848
Addresses of the arguments:
[./test]:0x7ffcc154b94f [nihao]:0x7ffcc154b956 [hello]:0x7ffcc154b95c
Address of the array of environment variables: 0x7ffcc154a868
Address of the first environment variable: 0x7ffcc154b962
main(0x559bd09807ca) < heap(0x559bd1bee670)
< stack(0x7ffcc154a748) < argv(0x7ffcc154a848)
< env(0x7ffcc154a868) < arguments(0x7ffcc154b94f->0x7ffcc154b95c + 6)
(6为hello+1('\0')) < env first(0x7ffcc154b962)
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
* main - print locations of various elements
* Return: EXIT_FAILURE if something failed. Otherwise EXIT_SUCCESS
int main(int ac, char **av, char **env)
int a;
void *p;
int i;
int size;
printf("Address of a: %p\n", (void *)&a);
p = malloc(98);
if (p == NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "Can't malloc\n");
return (EXIT_FAILURE);
printf("Allocated space in the heap: %p\n", p);
printf("Address of function main: %p\n", (void *)main);
printf("First bytes of the main function:\n\t");
for (i = 0; i < 15; i++)
printf("%02x ", ((unsigned char *)main)[i]);
printf("Address of the array of arguments: %p\n", (void *)av);
printf("Addresses of the arguments:\n\t");
for (i = 0; i < ac; i++)
printf("[%s]:%p ", av[i], av[i]);
printf("Address of the array of environment variables: %p\n", (void *)env);
printf("Address of the first environment variables:\n");
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
printf("\t[%p]:\"%s\"\n", env[i], env[i]);
/* size of the env array */
i = 0;
while (env[i] != NULL)
i++; /* the NULL pointer */
size = i * sizeof(char *);
printf("Size of the array env: %d elements -> %d bytes (0x%x)\n", i, size, size);
return (EXIT_SUCCESS);
编译运行:gcc main.c -o test; ./test nihao hello
Address of a: 0x7ffd5ebadff4
Allocated space in the heap: 0x562ba4e13670
Address of function main: 0x562ba2f1881a
First bytes of the main function:
55 48 89 e5 48 83 ec 40 89 7d dc 48 89 75 d0
Address of the array of arguments: 0x7ffd5ebae0f8
Addresses of the arguments:
[./test]:0x7ffd5ebae94f [nihao]:0x7ffd5ebae956 [hello]:0x7ffd5ebae95c
Address of the array of environment variables: 0x7ffd5ebae118
Address of the first environment variables:
Size of the array env: 11 elements -> 88 bytes (0x58)
root@3e8650948c0c:/ubuntu# bc
bc 1.07.1
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(standard_in) 3: syntax error
通过结果可知7FFD5EBAE170 != 0x7ffd5ebae94f,所以命令行参数地址不是紧随环境变量地址之后。
virtual memory stack heap 图片来自Holberton
可以通过调用函数来确认,如果真的是向下增长,那么调用函数的地址应该高于被调用函数地址, 代码如下:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
void f(void)
int a;
int b;
int c;
a = 98;
b = 1024;
c = a * b;
printf("[f] a = %d, b = %d, c = a * b = %d\n", a, b, c);
printf("[f] Adresses of a: %p, b = %p, c = %p\n", (void *)&a, (void *)&b, (void *)&c);
int main(int ac, char **av, char **env)
int a;
void *p;
int i;
int size;
printf("Address of a: %p\n", (void *)&a);
p = malloc(98);
if (p == NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "Can't malloc\n");
return (EXIT_FAILURE);
printf("Allocated space in the heap: %p\n", p);
printf("Address of function main: %p\n", (void *)main);
return (EXIT_SUCCESS);
编译运行:gcc main.c -o test; ./test
Address of a: 0x7ffefc75083c
Allocated space in the heap: 0x564d46318670
Address of function main: 0x564d45b9880e
[f] a = 98, b = 1024, c = a * b = 100352
[f] Adresses of a: 0x7ffefc7507ec, b = 0x7ffefc7507f0, c = 0x7ffefc7507f4
结果可知: f{a} 0x7ffefc7507ec < main{a} 0x7ffefc75083c 可画图如下:
virtual memory 图片来自Holberton
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