我们知道 Go 没有继承的概念,接口结构体多使用组合,很多开源产品或是源代码都有大量的内嵌 (embeded field) 字段,用于特殊目的
package main
import (
func test(wg sync.WaitGroup) {
defer wg.Done()
func main() {
var wg sync.WaitGroup
go test(wg)
这是非常经典的 case, 程序执行报错 all goroutines are asleep - deadlock!
, 解决也很简单,把 wg
由值传递变成指针类型即可。本质是 WaitGroup
内部维护了计数,不允许 copy 变量,还有 sync.Mutex
锁也是不允许 copy 的
解决办法很简单,需要 CI 时由 linter 检测出来,最好运行时也能有检测机制,这方面的讨论请参考issue 8005[1]
zerun.dong$ go vet aaa.go
# command-line-arguments
./aaa.go:7:14: test passes lock by value: sync.WaitGroup contains sync.noCopy
./aaa.go:15:10: call of test copies lock value: sync.WaitGroup contains sync.noCopy
这是 go vet 结果,报错己经很明显了
type noCopy struct{}
定义非常简单,空结构体,zero size 不占用空间(前提是非结构体的最后一个字段,否则还要是有 8 byte 空间开销)
sync.WaitGroup[2] 内嵌 noCopy
字段,防止 Cond
type WaitGroup struct {
noCopy noCopy
// 64-bit value: high 32 bits are counter, low 32 bits are waiter count.
// 64-bit atomic operations require 64-bit alignment, but 32-bit
// compilers only guarantee that 64-bit fields are 32-bit aligned.
// For this reason on 32 bit architectures we need to check in state()
// if state1 is aligned or not, and dynamically "swap" the field order if
// needed.
state1 uint64
state2 uint32
上面是 sync.WaitGroup
结构体的定义,同时注意 noCopy
是源码中不可导出的定义。如果用户代码也想实现 NoCopy 呢?可以参考 grpc DoNotCopy[3]
// DoNotCopy can be embedded in a struct to help prevent shallow copies.
// This does not rely on a Go language feature, but rather a special case
// within the vet checker.
type DoNotCopy [0]sync.Mutex
零长数组,不占用空间。由于 vet checker 会检测 Mutex
,相当于替我们实现了 noCopy
Golang Sepc Comparison_operators[4] 官方文档描述常见类型比较运算( == != > < <= >=)的结果,详细内容看官方文档 https://go.dev/ref/spec#Comparison_operators
对于 struct 来讲,只有所有字段全部 comparable 的(不限大小写是否导出),那么结构体才可以比较。同时只比较 non-blank 的字段,举个例子:
type T struct {
name string
age int
_ float64
func main() {
x := [...]float64{1.1, 2, 3.14}
fmt.Println(x == [...]float64{1.1, 2, 3.14}) // true
y := [1]T{{"foo", 1, 0}}
fmt.Println(y == [1]T{{"foo", 1, 1}}) // true
运行后,结果均为 true
Slice, Map, Function 均是不可比较的,只与判断是否为 nil. 所以我们可以利用这两个特性,内嵌函数来实现不可比较,参考 protobuf DoNotCompare[5]
// DoNotCompare can be embedded in a struct to prevent comparability.
type DoNotCompare [0]func()
type DoNotCompare [0]func()
type T struct {
name string
age int
func main() {
// ./cmp.go:13:21: invalid operation: T{} == T{} (struct containing DoNotCompare cannot be compared)
fmt.Println(T{} == T{})
type User struct{
Age int
Address string
u := &User{21, "beijing"}
type User struct{
Age int
Address string
Money int
func main(){
// ./struct.go:11:15: too few values in User{...}
_ = &User{21, "beijing"}
上面的例子,能在编译期报错还是可接受的,如果同类型的调换顺序,那才叫坑爹... 所以这时需要 NoUnkeyedLiterals[6]
// NoUnkeyedLiterals can be embedded in a struct to prevent unkeyed literals.
type NoUnkeyedLiterals struct{}
很简单,就是一个空结构体,这是 Protobuf 的实现。很多时候我们都用空的结构体占位符实现
type User struct{
_ struct{}
Age int
Address string
func main(){
// ./struct.go:10:11: cannot use 21 (type int) as type struct {} in field value
// ./struct.go:10:15: cannot use "beijing" (type untyped string) as type int in field value
// ./struct.go:10:15: too few values in User{...}
_ = &User{21, "beijing"}
报错很明显了,字段类型不匹配,有人会说初始化写上 struct{}
_ = &User{struct{}{}, 21, "beijing"}
这样确实可以工作,但是占位符 _
的字段是不可导出的,所以 import 其它包的 NoUnkeyedLiterals
最后推荐一个非常实用的 copier[7] 库,CRUD Boy 经常结构体转来转去的,比如 dto, dao 互转,或是 dao 与其它互转,如果修改了 dao 结构体,还要记得修改其它转换逻辑,非常繁琐
package main
import (
type User struct {
Name string
Age int
type Employee struct {
Name string
Age int
Role string
func main() {
user := User{Name: "dj", Age: 18}
employee := Employee{Role: "admin"}
copier.Copy(&employee, &user)
// main.Employee{Name:"dj", Age:18, Role:"admin"}
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", employee)
打印 Employee
发现 name, age 字段己经赋值了,非常好用。感兴趣的可以查看官网,支持非常多的高级玩法
[1]nocopy issue 8005: https://github.com/golang/go/issues/8005,
[2]sync.WaitGroup noCopy: https://github.com/golang/go/blob/master/src/sync/waitgroup.go#L212,
[3]pprotobuf DoNotCopy: https://pkg.go.dev/google.golang.org/protobuf@v1.27.1/internal/pragma#DoNotCopy,
[4]官方文档Comparison_operators: https://go.dev/ref/spec#Comparison_operators,
[5]DoNotCompare: https://pkg.go.dev/google.golang.org/protobuf@v1.27.1/internal/pragma#DoNotCompare,
[6]protobuf NoUnkeyedLiterals: https://github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf-go/blob/v1.27.1/internal/pragma/pragma.go#L12,
[7]jinzhu copier: https://github.com/jinzhu/copier,
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