近日,项目中有一个耗时较长的Job存在CPU占用过高的问题,经排查发现,主要时间消耗在往MyBatis中批量插入数据。mapper configuration是用foreach循环做的,差不多是这样。(由于项目保密,以下代码均为自己手写的demo代码)
<insert id="batchInsert" parameterType="java.util.List">
insert into USER (id, name) values
<foreach collection="list" item="model" index="index" separator=",">
(#{model.id}, #{model.name})
INSERT INTO `table1` (`field1`, `field2`) VALUES ("data1", "data2");
INSERT INTO `table1` (`field1`, `field2`) VALUES ("data1", "data2");
INSERT INTO `table1` (`field1`, `field2`) VALUES ("data1", "data2");
INSERT INTO `table1` (`field1`, `field2`) VALUES ("data1", "data2");
INSERT INTO `table1` (`field1`, `field2`) VALUES ("data1", "data2");
INSERT INTO `table1` (`field1`, `field2`)
VALUES ("data1", "data2"),
("data1", "data2"),
("data1", "data2"),
("data1", "data2"),
("data1", "data2");
在MySql Docs中也提到过这个trick,如果要优化插入速度时,可以将许多小型操作组合到一个大型操作中。理想情况下,这样可以在单个连接中一次性发送许多新行的数据,并将所有索引更新和一致性检查延迟到最后才进行。
Of course don't combine ALL of them, if the amount is HUGE. Say you have 1000 rows you need to insert, then don't do it one at a time. You shouldn't equally try to have all 1000 rows in a single query. Instead break it into smaller sizes.
Insert inside Mybatis foreach is not batch, this is a single (could become giant) SQL statement and that brings drawbacks:
Iteration over the collection must not be done in the mybatis XML. Just execute a simple Insertstatement in a Java Foreach loop. The most important thing is the session Executor type.
SqlSession session = sessionFactory.openSession(ExecutorType.BATCH);
for (Model model : list) {
session.insert("insertStatement", model);
Unlike default ExecutorType.SIMPLE, the statement will be prepared once and executed for each record to insert.
从资料中可知,默认执行器类型为Simple,会为每个语句创建一个新的预处理语句,也就是创建一个PreparedStatement对象。在我们的项目中,会不停地使用批量插入这个方法,而因为MyBatis对于含有<span style="font-size: 15px;font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light;letter-spacing: 1px;"><foreach>
Internally, it still generates the same single insert statement with many placeholders as the JDBC code above.MyBatis has an ability to cache PreparedStatement, but this statement cannot be cached because it contains
<span style="font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light;letter-spacing: 1px;font-size: 14px;"><foreach />
element and the statement varies depending on the parameters. As a result, MyBatis has to 1) evaluate the foreach part and 2) parse the statement string to build parameter mapping [1] on every execution of this statement.And these steps are relatively costly process when the statement string is big and contains many placeholders.[1] simply put, it is a mapping between placeholders and the parameters.
所以,如果非要使用 foreach 的方式来进行批量插入的话,可以考虑减少一条 insert 语句中 values 的个数,最好能达到上面曲线的最底部的值,使速度最快。一般按经验来说,一次性插20~50行数量是比较合适的,时间消耗也能接受。
重点来了。上面讲的是,如果非要用<span style="font-size: 15px;font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light;letter-spacing: 1px;"><foreach>
的方式来插入,可以提升性能的方式。而实际上,MyBatis文档中写批量插入的时候,是推荐使用另外一种方法。(可以看 http://www.mybatis.org/mybatis-dynamic-sql/docs/insert.html 中 Batch Insert Support 标题里的内容)
SqlSession session = sqlSessionFactory.openSession(ExecutorType.BATCH);
try {
SimpleTableMapper mapper = session.getMapper(SimpleTableMapper.class);
List<SimpleTableRecord> records = getRecordsToInsert(); // not shown
BatchInsert<SimpleTableRecord> batchInsert = insert(records)
} finally {
即基本思想是将 MyBatis session 的 executor type 设为 Batch ,然后多次执行插入语句。就类似于JDBC的下面语句一样。
Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://","root","root");
PreparedStatement ps = connection.prepareStatement(
"insert into tb_user (name) values(?)");
for (int i = 0; i < stuNum; i++) {
经过试验,使用了 ExecutorType.BATCH 的插入方式,性能显著提升,不到 2s 便能全部插入完成。
总结一下,如果MyBatis需要进行批量插入,推荐使用 ExecutorType.BATCH 的插入方式,如果非要使用 <span style="font-size: 15px;font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light;letter-spacing: 1px;"><foreach>
的插入的话,需要将每次插入的记录控制在 20~50 左右。
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