
362次阅读  |  发布于2年以前




package main

import (

type People struct {
    ID          int64       // Sizeof: 8 byte  Alignof: 8  Offsetof: 0
    Gender      int8        // Sizeof: 1 byte  Alignof: 1  Offsetof: 8
    NickName    string      // Sizeof: 16 byte Alignof: 8 Offsetof: 16
    Description string      // Sizeof: 16 byte Alignof: 8 Offsetof: 32
    IsDeleted   bool        // Sizeof: 1 byte  Alignof: 1  Offsetof: 48
    Created     time.Time   // Sizeof: 24 byte Alignof: 8  Offsetof: 56

func main(){
    p := People{}
// output
// 80

从上面的输出可以看出打印结果为 80 字节,但是所有字段加起来是66 字节。那额外的 14 个字节是怎么来的呢?想必大部分同学也很清楚。64 位CPU处理器每次可以以 64 位(8 字节)块的形式传输数据。32 位 CPU的话则是32 位(4 字节)。

第一个字段ID占用 8 个字节,Gender字段占用了1 个字节并有 7 个未使用的字节。

第二个和第三个字段为字符串类型为16字节,接下来是IsDeleted字段,它需要 1 个字节并有 7 个未使用的字节。

最好的情况是是按字段的大小从大到小对字段进行排序。对上述结构体进行排序,大小减少到 72 个字节。最后两个字段 GenderIsDeleted 被放在同一个块中,从而将未使用的字节数从 14 (2x7) 减少到 6 (1 x 6),在此过程中节省了 8 个字节。

type People struct {
    CreatedAt   time.Time // 24 bytes
    NickName    string    // 16 bytes
    Description string    // 16 bytes
    ID          int64     // 8 bytes
    Gender      int8      // 1 byte
    IsDeleted   bool      // 1 byte

func main(){
    p := People{}

下面咱们看看Go 白皮书[1]中对字节大小保证的一些说明:


类型 占用字节大小
byte, uint8, int8 1
uint16, int16 2
uint32, int32, float32 4
uint64, int64, float64, complex64 8
complex128 16


  1. 对于任何类型的变量xunsafe.Alignof(x)至少为 1。
  2. 对于struct 类型的变量xunsafe.Alignof(x)是所有字段字节对齐的最大值unsafe.Alignof(x.f),但至少为 1。
  3. 对于数组类型的变量xunsafe.Alignof(x)与数组元素类型的变量的对齐方式相同。


可以看出占用小于8 字节的 Go 类型有:

那么你知道了这些小于8字节的类型,要手动检查他的大小然后对其进行排序嘛,NONONO,小土下面给大家推荐一个linter fieldalignment[3]来检查并进行正确地排序。

fieldalignment 小工具



$go install golang.org/x/tools/go/analysis/passes/fieldalignment/cmd/fieldalignment@latest

先别着急运行,咱们先来看下filedalignment的使用,fieldalignment可以找到那些可以重新排列以减少内存的结构,并提供 建议编辑最紧凑的顺序。


$ fieldalignment
fieldalignment: find structs that would use less memory if their fields were sorted

Usage: fieldalignment [-flag] [package]

This analyzer find structs that can be rearranged to use less memory, and provides
a suggested edit with the most compact order.

Note that there are two different diagnostics reported. One checks struct size,
and the other reports "pointer bytes" used. Pointer bytes is how many bytes of the
object that the garbage collector has to potentially scan for pointers, for example:

        struct { uint32; string }

have 16 pointer bytes because the garbage collector has to scan up through the string's
inner pointer.

        struct { string; *uint32 }

has 24 pointer bytes because it has to scan further through the *uint32.

        struct { string; uint32 }

has 8 because it can stop immediately after the string pointer.

Be aware that the most compact order is not always the most efficient.
In rare cases it may cause two variables each updated by its own goroutine
to occupy the same CPU cache line, inducing a form of memory contention
known as "false sharing" that slows down both goroutines.

  -V    print version and exit
        no effect (deprecated)
  -c int
        display offending line with this many lines of context (default -1)
  -cpuprofile string
        write CPU profile to this file
  -debug string
        debug flags, any subset of "fpstv"
        apply all suggested fixes
        print analyzer flags in JSON
        emit JSON output
  -memprofile string
        write memory profile to this file
        no effect (deprecated)
  -tags string
        no effect (deprecated)
        indicates whether test files should be analyzed, too (default true)
  -trace string
        write trace log to this file
  -v    no effect (deprecated)


fieldalignment 会有两个不同的报告,一个是检查结构体的大小。另一个报告所使用的指针字节数(是指gc会对struct中的这些字节进行潜在的指针扫描)。

可以看出最紧凑的顺序并不总是最有效的。在极少数情况下,它可能会导致两个变量分别被自己的goroutine更新占用同一个CPU缓存线,从而引起一种被称为 "假共享 "的内存争夺。这样会降低了两个goroutine的速度。



$fieldalignment -fix ./...        
... # 前面代码就省略了
struct with 2568 pointer bytes could be 2560
struct with 56 pointer bytes could be 48
struct with 16 pointer bytes could be 8
struct with 16 pointer bytes could be 8
struct of size 80 could be 72
struct with 200 pointer bytes could be 176
struct with 104 pointer bytes could be 72
struct with 80 pointer bytes could be 72
struct with 32 pointer bytes could be 24
struct with 40 pointer bytes could be 32
struct with 104 pointer bytes could be 40
struct with 72 pointer bytes could be 56
struct of size 256 could be 248
struct with 64 pointer bytes could be 48






[1]Go 白皮书: https://go.dev/ref/spec#Size_and_alignment_guarantees

[2]数字类型: https://go.dev/ref/spec#Numeric_types

[3]fieldalignment: https://pkg.go.dev/golang.org/x/tools/go/analysis/passes/fieldalignment

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