- 原文链接 : Flux Architecture on Android
Finding a good architecture for Android applications is not easy. Google seems to not care much about it, so there is no official recommendation on patterns beyond Activities lifecycle management.
But defining an architecture for your application is important. Like it or not, every application is going to have an architecture. So you'd better be the one defining it than let it just emerge.
Current trend is to adapt Clean Architecture, a 2012 Uncle Bob proposal for web applications.
I find Clean Architecture a little bit over-engineered for most of the Android apps out there.
Typically mobile apps live shorter than web apps. Mobile technology is evolving so fast that any app released today is going to be completely deprecated in twelve months.
Mobile apps usually do very little. A very high percent of use cases are just for data consuming. Get data from API, show data to user. Lot of reads, very little writes.
As a result its business logic is not complex. At least not as complex as backend apps. Well you have to deal with platform issues: memory, storage, pause, resume, network, location, etc. But that is not your app business logic. You have all of that in every app.
So it seems that most of the apps out there will not benefit from things like complex layer divisions or job priority execution queues.
They may just need a simple way to organise code, work together efficiently and find bugs easily.
Flux Architecture is used by Facebook to build their client- side web applications. Like Clean Architecture it is not intended for mobile apps, but its features and simplicity will allow us to adapt it very well to Android projects.
Flux应用架构被facebook用于架构客户端Web应用,与Clean Architecture类似它也不是针对于移动应用的,它更简洁性能够让我们很方面的适用于Android应用。
There are two key features to understand Flux:
有两个关键特性能够帮助我们理解Flux :
The data flow is always unidirectional.
An unidirectional data flow is the core of the Flux architecture and is what makes it so easy to learn. It also provides great advantages when testing the application as discussed below.
数据流总是单向的 一个 单向数据流是Flux 应用架构的核心,这也使得它很容易学习。当你需要测试应用时它也提供了很便利的条件。
The application is divided into three main parts:
应用分为三部分 :
This three parts communicate through Actions: Simple plain objects, identified by a type, containing the data related to that action.
The main target of using Flux principles on Android development is to build an architecture with a good balance between simplicity and ease of scale and test. 在Android开发中使用Flux原则的主要目标就是创建一个简单、可伸缩、易于测试的应用架构。
First step is to map Flux elements with Android app components.
Two of this elements are very easy to figure out and implement.
这两类元素非常容易实现 :
View: Activity or Fragment
Dispatcher: An event bus. I will use Otto in my examples but any other implementation should be fine.
View: Activity 或 Fragment;
Dispatcher: 一个事件总线,我在示例中使用了Otto,但是其他实现也是可以考虑的,例如AndroidEventBus。
Actions are not complex either. They will be implemented as simple POJOs with two main attributes:
Type: a String
identifying the type of event.
Data: a Map
with the payload for this action.
Type : 标识事件类型的一个String字段;
Data : 一个含有该Action信息的map字段。
For example, a typical action to show some User details will look like this:
例如,一个显示一些用户详细的action大致如下所示 :
Bundle data = new Bundle();
data.put("USER_ID", id);
Action action = new ViewAction("SHOW_USER", data);
This is perhaps the most difficult to get Flux concept.
Also if you have worked with Clean Architecture before it also will be uncomfortable to accept, because Stores will assume responsibilities that were previously separated into different layers.
如果你以前使用过Clean Architecture,你会感觉它也不是那么容易理解,因为Stores会假设职责已经被分割到不同的层。
Stores contain the status of the application and its business logic. They are similar to rich data models but they can manage the status of various objects, not just one.
Stores react to Actions emitted by the Dispatcher, execute business logic and emit a change event as result.
Stores only output is this single event: change. Any other component interested in a Store internal status must listen to this event and use it to get the data it needs.
No other component of the system should need to know anything about the status of the application.
Finally, stores must expose an interface to obtain application Status. This way, view elements can query the Stores and update application UI in response.
For example, in a Pub Discovery App a SearchStore will be used to keep track of searched item, search results and the history of past searches. In the same application a ReviewedStore will contain a list of reviewed pubs and the necessary logic to, for example, sort by review.
However there is one important concept to keep in mind: Stores are not Repositories. Their responsibility is not to get data from an external source (API or DB) but only keep track of data provided by actions.
然后,有有一个重要的概念你必须要记住 : Store不是Repositories。它们的职责不是从外部资源(API或者数据库)中获取数据,只是追中action提供的数据。
So how Flux application obtain data?
那么Flux如何获取数据呢 ?
In the initial Flux graph I intentionally skipped one part: network calls. Next graph completes first one adding more details:
在前面的Flux图表中我特意省略了一部分: 网络调用。下一个图表将会完善这部分细节。
Asynchronous network calls are triggered from an Actions Creator. A Network Adapter makes the asynchronous call to the corresponding API and returns the result to the Actions Creator.
异步网络调用会从Actions Creator触发,一个网络适配器会触发一个异步的网络调用并且将结果返回到Actions Creator中。
Finally the Actions Creator dispatch the corresponding typed Action with returned data.
最终Actions Creator将含有相应type与数据的Action分发出去。
Having all the network and asynchronous work out of the Stores has has two main advantages:
所有的网络请求和异步操作从Store中隔离出来有两个优点 :
Your Stores are completely synchronous: This makes the logic inside a Store very easy to follow. Bugs will be much easier to trace. And since all state changes will be synchronous testing a Store becomes an easy job: launch actions and assert expected final state.
Store中的操作都是是完全同步的 : 这使得Store中的业务逻辑非常简单,bug也易于发现。并且,自从"所有的状态变化都必须是同步的"的运用到实际中,测试Store变得非常容易,只需要加载action,然后对最终的状态做一个断言判断;
All actions are triggered from an Action Creator: Having a single point at which you create and launch all user actions greatly simplifies finding errors. Forget about digging into classes to find out where an action is originated. Everything starts here. And because asynchronous calls occur before, everything that comes out of ActionCreator is synchronous. This is a huge win that significantly improves traceability and testability of the code.
所有Action都是从Action Creator被触发 : 从一个统一的点创建和启动所有用户的action使得查找错误变得很简单。省去了在各种Class之间查找该action的发出点,所有的action都出自Action Creator。因为异步调用在action发出之前已经调用,因此其他ActionCreator的函数都是同步的,这很大程度上提升了代码的可追踪性和可测试性。
In this example you will find a classical To-Do App implemented on Android using a Flux Architecture.
这个例子是按照Flux架构实现的To-Do Android应用。
I tried to keep the project as simple as possible just to show how this architecture can produce very well organised apps.
Some comments about implementation:
关于这个实现的一些解释 :
The Dispatcher
is implemented using Otto Bus. Any bus
implementation will mostly work. There is a Flux restriction on
events I’m not applying here. On original Flux definition
dispatching an event before previous one has finish is forbidden and
will throw an exception. To keep the project simple I’m not
implementing that here.
There is an ActionsCreator
class to help creating Actions
posting them into the Dispatcher
. It is a pretty common pattern in
Flux which keeps things organised.
types are just String
constants. It is probably not the
best implementation but is quick and helps keeping things simple.
Same thing with Actions
data: they are just a HashMap
with a
key and Object
as a value. This forces ugly castings on
Stores to extract actual data. Of course, this is not type safe but
again, keeps the example easy to understand.
来存储。因此这需要你在Store中进行强制类型转换,一般得到具体的Action数据。当然,这并不是类型安全的,还是那句话 : 为了保持简单性。
There is no such thing as the Best Architecture for an Android app. There is the Best Architecture for your current app. And it is the one that let you collaborate with your teammates easily, finish the project on time, with quality and as less bugs as possible.
I believe Flux is very good for all of that.
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