1615年,伽利略(Galileo Galilei,1564-1642)给托斯卡纳的一位公爵夫人写了一封长信。在信中,他解释了自己的立场。
当时的情况是这样的:长久以来,罗马教廷一直信奉托勒密(Clandius Ptolemaeus,约90-168)的"地心说"。到16世纪,哥白尼(Nicolaus Copernicus,1473-1543)提出了"日心说"。教会认为这是异端的学说,大力反对。
It is not in the power of` the professors of demonstrative sciences to change their opinions at will and apply themselves first to one side and then to the other. There is a great difference between commanding a mathematician or a philosopher and influencing a lawyer or a merchant, for demonstrated conclusions about things in nature or in the heavens cannot be changed with the same facility as opinions about what is or is not lawful in a contract, bargain, or bill of exchange. ...
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