
1052次阅读  |  发布于6年以前


    # 判断读权限
    os.access(<my file>, os.R_OK)
    # 判断写权限
    os.access(<my file>, os.W_OK)
    # 判断执行权限
    os.access(<my file>, os.X_OK)

    # 判断读、写、执行权限
    os.access(<my file>, os.R_OK | os.W_OK | os.X_OK)


    import os
    import pwd
    import stat

    def is_readable(cls, path, user):
      user_info = pwd.getpwnam(user)
      uid = user_info.pw_uid
      gid = user_info.pw_gid
      s = os.stat(path)
      mode = s[stat.ST_MODE]
      return (
        ((s[stat.ST_UID] == uid) and (mode & stat.S_IRUSR > 0)) or
        ((s[stat.ST_GID] == gid) and (mode & stat.S_IRGRP > 0)) or
        (mode & stat.S_IROTH > 0)

    def is_writable(cls, path, user):
      user_info = pwd.getpwnam(user)
      uid = user_info.pw_uid
      gid = user_info.pw_gid
      s = os.stat(path)
      mode = s[stat.ST_MODE]
      return (
        ((s[stat.ST_UID] == uid) and (mode & stat.S_IWUSR > 0)) or
        ((s[stat.ST_GID] == gid) and (mode & stat.S_IWGRP > 0)) or
        (mode & stat.S_IWOTH > 0)


    def is_executable(cls, path, user):
      user_info = pwd.getpwnam(user)
      uid = user_info.pw_uid
      gid = user_info.pw_gid
      s = os.stat(path)
      mode = s[stat.ST_MODE]
      return (
        ((s[stat.ST_UID] == uid) and (mode & stat.S_IXUSR > 0)) or
        ((s[stat.ST_GID] == gid) and (mode & stat.S_IXGRP > 0)) or
        (mode & stat.S_IXOTH > 0)



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