小技巧 缩进两个空格,没有制表符。
小技巧 行的最大长度为80个字符。
如果你必须写长度超过80个字符的字符串,如果可能的话,尽量使用here document或者嵌入的换行符。长度超过80个字符的文字串且不能被合理地分割,这是正常的。但强烈建议找到一个方法使其变短。
# DO use 'here document's cat <<END; I am an exceptionally long string. END # Embedded newlines are ok too long_string="I am an exceptionally long string."
小技巧 如果一行容不下整个管道操作,那么请将整个管道操作分割成每行一个管段。
# All fits on one line command1 | command2 # Long commands command1 \ | command2 \ | command3 \ | command4
小技巧 请将 ; do , ; then 和 while , for , if 放在同一行。
; do
; then
shell中的循环略有不同,但是我们遵循跟声明函数时的大括号相同的原则。也就是说, ; do , ; then 应该和 if/for/while 放在同一行。 else 应该单独一行,结束语句应该单独一行并且跟开始语句垂直对齐。
for dir in ${dirs_to_cleanup}; do if [[ -d "${dir}/${ORACLE_SID}" ]]; then log_date "Cleaning up old files in ${dir}/${ORACLE_SID}" rm "${dir}/${ORACLE_SID}/"* if [[ "$?" -ne 0 ]]; then error_message fi else mkdir -p "${dir}/${ORACLE_SID}" if [[ "$?" -ne 0 ]]; then error_message fi fi done
小技巧 通过2个空格缩进可选项。 在同一行可选项的模式右圆括号之后和结束符;; 之前各需要一个空格。 长可选项或者多命令可选项应该被拆分成多行,模式、操作和结束符 ;;在不同的行。
匹配表达式比 case 和 esac 缩进一级。多行操作要再缩进一级。一般情况下,不需要引用匹配表达式。模式表达式前面不应该出现左括号。避免使用 ;& 和 ;;& 符号。
case "${expression}" in a) variable="..." some_command "${variable}" "${other_expr}" ... ;; absolute) actions="relative" another_command "${actions}" "${other_expr}" ... ;; *) error "Unexpected expression '${expression}'" ;; esac
只要整个表达式可读,简单的命令可以跟模式和 ;; 写在同一行。这通常适用于单字母选项的处理。当单行容不下操作时,请将模式单独放一行,然后是操作,最后结束符 ;; 也单独一行。当操作在同一行时,模式的右括号之后和结束符 ;; 之前请使用一个空格分隔。
verbose='false' aflag='' bflag='' files='' while getopts 'abf:v' flag; do case "${flag}" in a) aflag='true' ;; b) bflag='true' ;; f) files="${OPTARG}" ;; v) verbose='true' ;; *) error "Unexpected option ${flag}" ;; esac done
小技巧 按优先级顺序:保持跟你所发现的一致;引用你的变量;推荐用 ${var} 而不是$var ,详细解释如下。
# Section of recommended cases. # Preferred style for 'special' variables: echo "Positional: $1" "$5" "$3" echo "Specials: !=$!, -=$-, _=$_. ?=$?, #=$# *=$* @=$@ \$=$$ ..." # Braces necessary: echo "many parameters: ${10}" # Braces avoiding confusion: # Output is "a0b0c0" set -- a b c echo "${1}0${2}0${3}0" # Preferred style for other variables: echo "PATH=${PATH}, PWD=${PWD}, mine=${some_var}" while read f; do echo "file=${f}" done < <(ls -l /tmp) # Section of discouraged cases # Unquoted vars, unbraced vars, brace-quoted single letter # shell specials. echo a=$avar "b=$bvar" "PID=${$}" "${1}" # Confusing use: this is expanded as "${1}0${2}0${3}0", # not "${10}${20}${30} set -- a b c echo "$10$20$30"
小技巧 除非需要小心不带引用的扩展,否则总是引用包含变量、命令替换符、空格或shell元字符的字符串。 推荐引用是单词的字符串(而不是命令选项或者路径名)。 千万不要引用整数。 注意 [[ 中模式匹配的引用规则。 * 请使用 $@除非你有特殊原因需要使用 $* 。
# 'Single' quotes indicate that no substitution is desired. # "Double" quotes indicate that substitution is required/tolerated. # Simple examples # "quote command substitutions" flag="$(some_command and its args "$@" 'quoted separately')" # "quote variables" echo "${flag}" # "never quote literal integers" value=32 # "quote command substitutions", even when you expect integers number="$(generate_number)" # "prefer quoting words", not compulsory readonly USE_INTEGER='true' # "quote shell meta characters" echo 'Hello stranger, and well met. Earn lots of $$$' echo "Process $$: Done making \$\$\$." # "command options or path names" # ($1 is assumed to contain a value here) grep -li Hugo /dev/null "$1" # Less simple examples # "quote variables, unless proven false": ccs might be empty git send-email --to "${reviewers}" ${ccs:+"--cc" "${ccs}"} # Positional parameter precautions: $1 might be unset # Single quotes leave regex as-is. grep -cP '([Ss]pecial|\|?characters*)$' ${1:+"$1"} # For passing on arguments, # "$@" is right almost everytime, and # $* is wrong almost everytime: # # * $* and $@ will split on spaces, clobbering up arguments # that contain spaces and dropping empty strings; # * "$@" will retain arguments as-is, so no args # provided will result in no args being passed on; # This is in most cases what you want to use for passing # on arguments. # * "$*" expands to one argument, with all args joined # by (usually) spaces, # so no args provided will result in one empty string # being passed on. # (Consult 'man bash' for the nit-grits ;-) set -- 1 "2 two" "3 three tres"; echo $# ; set -- "$*"; echo "$#, $@") set -- 1 "2 two" "3 three tres"; echo $# ; set -- "$@"; echo "$#, $@")
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