在面向对象程式设计的范畴中,命令模式是一种设计模式,它尝试以物件来代表实际行动。命令物件可以把行动(action) 及其参数封装起来,于是这些行动可以被:
/* The Invoker function */ var Switch = function(){ var _commands = []; this.storeAndExecute = function(command){ _commands.push(command); command.execute(); } } /* The Receiver function */ var Light = function(){ this.turnOn = function(){ console.log ('turn on')}; this.turnOff = function(){ console.log ('turn off') }; } /* The Command for turning on the light - ConcreteCommand #1 */ var FlipUpCommand = function(light){ this.execute = light.turnOn; } /* The Command for turning off the light - ConcreteCommand #2 */ var FlipDownCommand = function(light){ this.execute = light.turnOff; } var light = new Light(); var switchUp = new FlipUpCommand(light); var switchDown = new FlipDownCommand(light); var s = new Switch(); s.storeAndExecute(switchUp); s.storeAndExecute(switchDown);
import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; /* The Command interface */ public interface Command { void execute(); } /* The Invoker class */ public class Switch { private List<Command> history = new ArrayList<Command>(); public Switch() { } public void storeAndExecute(Command cmd) { this.history.add(cmd); // optional cmd.execute(); } } /* The Receiver class */ public class Light { public Light() { } public void turnOn() { System.out.println("The light is on"); } public void turnOff() { System.out.println("The light is off"); } } /* The Command for turning on the light - ConcreteCommand #1 */ public class FlipUpCommand implements Command { private Light theLight; public FlipUpCommand(Light light) { this.theLight = light; } public void execute(){ theLight.turnOn(); } } /* The Command for turning off the light - ConcreteCommand #2 */ public class FlipDownCommand implements Command { private Light theLight; public FlipDownCommand(Light light) { this.theLight = light; } public void execute() { theLight.turnOff(); } } /* The test class or client */ public class PressSwitch { public static void main(String[] args){ Light lamp = new Light(); Command switchUp = new FlipUpCommand(lamp); Command switchDown = new FlipDownCommand(lamp); Switch mySwitch = new Switch(); try { if ("ON".equalsIgnoreCase(args[0])) { mySwitch.storeAndExecute(switchUp); } else if ("OFF".equalsIgnoreCase(args[0])) { mySwitch.storeAndExecute(switchDown); } else { System.out.println("Argument \"ON\" or \"OFF\" is required."); } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Arguments required."); } } }
//烤肉串者 public class Barbecuer { //烤羊肉 public void BakeMutton() { Console.WriteMutton("烤羊肉串"); } //烤鸡翅 public void BakeChikenWing() { Console.WriteMutton("烤鸡翅"); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Barbecuer boy = new Barbecuew(); boy.BakeMutton(); boy.BakeMutton(); boy.BakeMutton(); boy.BakeChickenWing(); }
//抽象命令 public abstract class Command { protected Barbecuer receiver; public Command(Barbecuer receiver) { this.receiver = receiver; } //执行命令 abstract public ExcuteCommand(); }
//烤羊肉命令 class BakeMuttonCommand: Command { public BakeMuttonCommand(Barbecuer receiver) { :base(receiver) } public override void EccuteCommand() { receiver.BakeMutton(); } } //烤鸡翅命令 class BakeMuttonCommand: Command { public BakeMuttonCommand(Barbecuer receiver) { :base(receiver) } public override void EccuteCommand() { receiver.BakeChickenWing(); } }
//服务员 public class Waiter { private Command command; //设置订单 public void setOrder(Command command) { this.command } //通知执行 public void Notify() { command.ExcuteCommand(); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { //开店前的准备 Barbecuer boy = new Barbecuer(); Command BakeMuttonCommand1 = new BakeMuttonCommand(boy); Command BakeMuttonCommand2 = new BakeMuttonCommand(boy); Command BakeChickenWingCommand1 = new BakeMuttonCommand(boy); Waiter girl = new Waiter(); //开门营业 girl.SetOrder(BakeMuttonCommand1); girl.Notify(); girl.SetOrder(BakeMuttonCommand2); girl.Notify(); girl.SetOrder(BakeChickenWingCommand1); girl.Notify(); COnsole.Read(); }
//服务员 public class Waiter { private IList<Command> orders = new List<Command>(); //设置订单 public void SetOrder(Command command) { if (command.ToString() == "命令模式.BakeChikenWingCommand") { Console.WriteLine("服务员:鸡翅没有了,请点别的烧烤。"); } else { orders.Add(command); Console.WriteLine("增加订单:"+ command.ToString() + "时间" + DateTime.Now.ToString()); } } //取消订单 public void CancelOrder(Command command) { orders.Remove(command); Console.WriteLine("取消订单" + command.ToString() + "时间" + DateTime.Now.ToString()); } //通知全部执行 public void Notify() { foreach(Command cmd in orders) { cmd.ExcuteCommand(); } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Barbecuer boy = new Barbecuer(); Command BakeMuttonCommand1 = new BakeMuttonCommand(boy); Command BakeMuttonCommand2 = new BakeMuttonCommand(boy); Command BakeChickenWingCommand1 = new BakeMuttonCommand(boy); Waiter girl = new Waiter(); girl.setOrder(bakeMuttonCommand1); girl.setOrder(bakeMuttonCommand1); girl.setOrder(BakeChickenWingCommand1); girl.Notify(); Console.Read(); }
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