并行应用常常需要在进程之间交换数据。Multiprocessing库有两个Communication Channel可以交换对象:队列(queue)和管道(pipe)。
Queue 返回一个进程共享的队列,是线程安全的,也是进程安全的。任何可序列化的对象(Python通过 pickable 模块序列化对象)都可以通过它进行交换。
在下面的例子中,我们将展示如何使用队列来实现生产者-消费者问题。 Producer 类生产item放到队列中,然后 Consumer 类从队列中移除它们。 :
import multiprocessing import random import time class Producer(multiprocessing.Process): def __init__(self, queue): multiprocessing.Process.__init__(self) self.queue = queue def run(self): for i in range(10): item = random.randint(0, 256) self.queue.put(item) print("Process Producer : item %d appended to queue %s" % (item, self.name)) time.sleep(1) print("The size of queue is %s" % self.queue.qsize()) class Consumer(multiprocessing.Process): def __init__(self, queue): multiprocessing.Process.__init__(self) self.queue = queue def run(self): while True: if self.queue.empty(): print("the queue is empty") break else: time.sleep(2) item = self.queue.get() print('Process Consumer : item %d popped from by %s \n' % (item, self.name)) time.sleep(1) if __name__ == '__main__': queue = multiprocessing.Queue() process_producer = Producer(queue) process_consumer = Consumer(queue) process_producer.start() process_consumer.start() process_producer.join() process_consumer.join()
运行结果如下(译者注:macOS High Sierra运行失败,错误是 NotImplementedError 可能是因为 self._sem._semlock._get_value() 没有实现): :
C:\Python CookBook\Chapter 3 - Process Based Parallelism\Example Codes Chapter 3>python using_queue.py Process Producer : item 69 appended to queue producer-1 The size of queue is 1 Process Producer : item 168 appended to queue producer-1 The size of queue is 2 Process Consumer : item 69 popped from by consumer-2 Process Producer : item 235 appended to queue producer-1 The size of queue is 2 Process Producer : item 152 appended to queue producer-1 The size of queue is 3 Process Producer : item 213 appended to queue producer-1 Process Consumer : item 168 popped from by consumer-2 The size of queue is 3 Process Producer : item 35 appended to queue producer-1 The size of queue is 4 Process Producer : item 218 appended to queue producer-1 The size of queue is 5 Process Producer : item 175 appended to queue producer-1 Process Consumer : item 235 popped from by consumer-2 The size of queue is 5 Process Producer : item 140 appended to queue producer-1 The size of queue is 6 Process Producer : item 241 appended to queue producer-1 The size of queue is 7 Process Consumer : item 152 popped from by consumer-2 Process Consumer : item 213 popped from by consumer-2 Process Consumer : item 35 popped from by consumer-2 Process Consumer : item 218 popped from by consumer-2 Process Consumer : item 175 popped from by consumer-2 Process Consumer : item 140 popped from by consumer-2 Process Consumer : item 241 popped from by consumer-2 the queue is empty
我们使用 multiprocessing 类在主程序中创建了 Queue 的实例: :
if __name__ == '__main__': queue = multiprocessing.Queue()
然后我们创建了两个进程,生产者和消费者, Queue 对象作为一个属性。 :
process_producer = Producer(queue) process_consumer = Consumer(queue)
生产者类负责使用 put() 方法放入10个item: :
for i in range(10): item = random.randint(0, 256) self.queue.put(item)
消费者进程负责使用 get() 方法从队列中移除item,并且确认队列是否为空,如果为空,就执行 break 跳出 while 循环: :
def run(self): while True: if self.queue.empty(): print("the queue is empty") break else: time.sleep(2) item = self.queue.get() print('Process Consumer : item %d popped from by %s \n' % (item, self.name)) time.sleep(1)
队列还有一个 JoinaleQueue 子类,它有以下两个额外的方法:
( Microndgt 注:因为使用队列进行通信是一个单向的,不确定的过程,所以你不知道什么时候队列的元素被取出来了,所以使用task_done来表示队列里的一个任务已经完成。
第二种Communication Channel是管道。
import multiprocessing def create_items(pipe): output_pipe, _ = pipe for item in range(10): output_pipe.send(item) output_pipe.close() def multiply_items(pipe_1, pipe_2): close, input_pipe = pipe_1 close.close() output_pipe, _ = pipe_2 try: while True: item = input_pipe.recv() output_pipe.send(item * item) except EOFError: output_pipe.close() if __name__== '__main__': # 第一个进程管道发出数字 pipe_1 = multiprocessing.Pipe(True) process_pipe_1 = multiprocessing.Process(target=create_items, args=(pipe_1,)) process_pipe_1.start() # 第二个进程管道接收数字并计算 pipe_2 = multiprocessing.Pipe(True) process_pipe_2 = multiprocessing.Process(target=multiply_items, args=(pipe_1, pipe_2,)) process_pipe_2.start() pipe_1[0].close() pipe_2[0].close() try: while True: print(pipe_2[1].recv()) except EOFError: print("End")
Pipe() 函数返回一对通过双向管道连接起来的对象。在本例中, out_pipe 包含数字0-9,通过目标函数 create_items() 产生: :
def create_items(pipe): output_pipe, _ = pipe for item in range(10): output_pipe.send(item) output_pipe.close()
在第二个进程中,我们有两个管道,输入管道和包含结果的输出管道: :
process_pipe_2 = multiprocessing.Process(target=multiply_items, args=(pipe_1, pipe_2,))
最后打印出结果: :
try: while True: print(pipe_2[1].recv()) except EOFError: print("End")
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