在本节中,我们会用 Pyro4 学习如何写一个简单的客户端-服务器应用。这里提供的示例并不完整,但是可以成功运行。
一个客户端-服务器程序就是,在一个网络内,客户端连接上服务器来请求特定的服务,可以与其他的客户端共享软件/硬件资源,并使用相同的协议。在本节的系统中,server 管理一个在线购物网站,客户端负责已注册的用户连接到 server 来购物。
为了让例子尽量简单一些,本例只有三个脚本。第一个代表 client 对象,用来管理用户。第二个脚本是 shop 对象,第二个脚本是 server .
Server 端的代码如下( server.py ): :
"""The Shops server""" from __future__ import print_function import Pyro4 import shop ns = Pyro4.naming.locateNS() daemon = Pyro4.core.Daemon() uri = daemon.register(shop.Shop()) ns.register("example.shop.Shop", uri) print(list(ns.list(prefix="example.shop.").keys())) daemon.requestLoop()
Client 端的代码如下 ( client.py ): :
from __future__ import print_function import sys import Pyro4 # A Shop client. class client(object): def __init__(self, name, cash): self.name = name self.cash = cash def doShopping_deposit_cash(self, Shop): print("\n*** %s is doing shopping with %s:" % (self.name, Shop.name())) print("Log on") Shop.logOn(self.name) print("Deposit money %s" % self.cash) Shop.deposit(self.name, self.cash) print("balance=%.2f" % Shop.balance(self.name)) print("Deposit money %s" % self.cash) Shop.deposit(self.name, 50) print("balance=%.2f" % Shop.balance(self.name)) print("Log out") Shop.logOut(self.name) def doShopping_buying_a_book(self, Shop): print("\n*** %s is doing shopping with %s:" % (self.name, Shop.name())) print("Log on") Shop.logOn(self.name) print("Deposit money %s" % self.cash) Shop.deposit(self.name, self.cash) print("balance=%.2f" % Shop.balance(self.name)) print("%s is buying a book for %s$" % (self.name, 37)) Shop.buy(self.name, 37) print("Log out") Shop.logOut(self.name) if __name__ == "__main__": ns = Pyro4.naming.locateNS() uri = ns.lookup("example.shop.Shop") print(uri) Shop = Pyro4.core.Proxy(uri) meeta = client("Meeta", 50) rashmi = client("Rashmi", 100) rashmi.doShopping_buying_a_book(Shop) meeta.doShopping_deposit_cash(Shop) print("") print("") print("") print("") print("The accounts in the %s:" % Shop.name()) accounts = Shop.allAccounts() for name in accounts.keys(): print(" %s : %.2f" % (name, accounts[name]))
Shop 对象的代码如下 ( shop.py ): :
class Account(object): def __init__(self): self._balance = 0.0 def pay(self, price): self._balance -= price def deposit(self, cash): self._balance += cash def balance(self): return self._balance class Shop(object): def __init__(self): self.accounts = {} self.clients = ["Meeta", "Rashmi", "John", "Ken"] def name(self): return "BuyAnythingOnline" def logOn(self, name): if name in self.clients: self.accounts[name] = Account() else: self.clients.append(name) self.accounts[name] = Account() def logOut(self, name): print("logout %s" % name) def deposit(self, name, amount): try: return self.accounts[name].deposit(amount) except KeyError: raise KeyError("unknown account") def balance(self, name): try: return self.accounts[name].balance() except KeyError: raise KeyError("unknown account") def allAccounts(self): accs = {} for name in self.accounts.keys(): accs[name] = self.accounts[name].balance() return accs def buy(self, name, price): balance = self.accounts[name].balance() self.accounts[name].pay(price)
下面开始执行这段代码,首先启动 Pyro4 的 name server: :
C:>python -m Pyro4.naming Not starting broadcast server for localhost. NS running on localhost:9090 ( Warning: HMAC key not set. Anyone can connect to this server! URI = PYRO:Pyro.NameServer@localhost:9090
然后,使用 python server.py 命令启动 Server. 命令行的显示如下图所示。
python server.py
最后,用下面的命令启动客户端,模拟用户的动作。 :
python client.py
命令行的输出将如下所示: :
C:\Users\Utente\Desktop\Python CookBook\Python Parallel Programming INDEX\Chapter 5 - Distributed Python\ chapter 5 - codes\banks>python client.py PYRO:obj_8c4a5b4ae7554c2c9feee5b0113902e0@localhost:59225 *** Rashmi is doing shopping with BuyAnythingOnline: Log on Deposit money 100 balance=100.00 Rashmi is buying a book for 37$ Log out *** Meeta is doing shopping with BuyAnythingOnline: Log on Deposit money 50 balance=50.00 Deposit money 50 balance=100.00 Log out The accounts in the BuyAnythingOnline: Meeta : 100.00 Rashmi : 63.00
输出表示两个用户的会话, Meeta 和 Rashmi .
客户端应用必须找到 Shop() 对象,通过如下的调用: :
ns = Pyro4.naming.locateNS()
然后打开一个通讯的 channel: :
daemon = Pyro4.core.Daemon() uri = daemon.register(shop.Shop()) ns.register("example.shop.Shop", uri) daemon.requestLoop()
shop.py 有处理账户和购物的脚本。 shop 类将会管理每一个账户,它提供了登陆登出,管理用户的余额,以及处理购买动作: :
class Shop(object): def logOn(self, name): if name in self.clients: self.accounts[name] = Account() else: self.clients.append(name) self.accounts[name] = Account() def logOut(self, name): print("logout %s" % name) def deposit(self, name, amount): try: return self.accounts[name].deposit(amount) except KeyError: raise KeyError("unknown account") def balance(self, name): try: return self.accounts[name].balance() except KeyError: raise KeyError("unknown account") def buy(self, name, price): balance = self.accounts[name].balance() self.accounts[name].pay(price)
每一个顾客都有自己的 Account 对象,提供存款管理。 :
class Account(object): def __init__(self): self._balance = 0.0 def pay(self, price): self._balance -= price def deposit(self, cash): self._balance += cash def balance(self): return self._balance
最后, client.py 有一个启动模拟客户行为的类。在 main 函数中,我们模拟了两个用户, Rashmi 和 Meeta : :
meeta = client('Meeta',50) rashmi = client('Rashmi',100) rashmi.doShopping_buying_a_book(Shop) meeta.doShopping_deposit_cash(Shop)
Rashmi 买了一本书: :
def doShopping_buying_a_book(self, Shop): Shop.logOn(self.name) Shop.deposit(self.name, self.cash) Shop.buy(self.name,37) Shop.logOut(self.name)
Meeta 分两次充了 \$100 到账户中: :
def doShopping_deposit_cash(self, Shop): Shop.logOn(self.name) Shop.deposit(self.name, self.cash) Shop.deposit(self.name, 50) Shop.logOut(self.name)
最后程序打印出两个用户的存款: :
print("The accounts in the %s:" % Shop.name()) accounts = Shop.allAccounts() for name in accounts.keys(): print(" %s : %.2f" % (name, accounts[name]))
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